Jogging Stroller Accessories

Jogging stroller accessories reviews by running moms.

Jogging Stroller Accessories

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There are many different types of jogging stroller accessories just like there are many different types of strollers out there. Deciding what you want and what you need can be hard.

So we thought it would be great to let all you moms out there tell us what you like and don't like about the accessories you have. Is it worth getting, did you really need it or is it just really nice to have?

Here are a couple accessories that I have that I really think are a must have. I currently have a BOB so these products are for that stroller, but you can find this type of accessory for almost any stroller out there.

BOB Weather Sheild The number one Jogging stroller accessory I recomend getting is the weather sheild . The shade of the BOB jogging stroller actually covers your baby pretty well, but your babies feet will still get wet if you are caught in the rain. This also helps when it is cold to keep the wind off your child.


BOB Car Seat Adapter My second favorite accessory is the car seat adapter . Granted my son is old enough we don't need it anymore, but when he was a baby we sure did rack up some miles with it. The BOB says your baby needs this till they are eight months old, so if you plan on doing a lot of running till then I would recomend getting one of these.

BOB Diaper Bag The BOB diaper bag, I have not yet actually purchased, but I ran into a running-mom in the park who was very happy with her BOB diaper bag. She had it stropped on to the BOB handles and it was still light weight enough that it wouldn't tip over or anything. I will probably have to get one before the next running season begins because there is not enough room in the compartment underneath the stroller to fit a diaper bag. I've been placing my diaper bag where the feet should go, but I'm always worried it will fall and my baby's feet are growing and will need the room.

Well those are my top three accessories, now please share what you like and don't like about your Jogging Stroller Acdessories with us.

Jogging Stroller Accessory Review

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What Other Mom's Have Said

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BOB Duallie Stroller Handlebar Console  Not rated yet
Extremely easy to add to stroller. Seems very durable. Deep water bottle pouches and a nice, zippered pocket for storing keys, wallet, cell phone, etc. …

BOB Duallie Infant Car Seat Adapter with Tray  Not rated yet
Easy to assemble, and comes with a snack tray for the older sibling. and a second tray to add on if you decide to keep the bar attached once you are done …

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