Sam I Am

by Sam I Am

My secret has a few parts...

1) I don't have a lot on my plate (no school, no job, only 1 kid right now),

2) I pretty much have my life on a spreadsheet...all our activities, what workouts I want to fit in and when, etc.

I find being organized and planning in advance helps set me up for success. Not that I get in 100% of my workouts, but I miss a lot less this way.

3) I have a husband who is very supportive and lucky for me, loves to cook. So if I spend my morning working out and my afternoon at a playdate, I just call him and tell him I didn't have time to cook so he's mentally prepared when he gets home...and he will grill up something fabulous.

I'm sure these 'secrets' aren't possible for some people and I do feel fortunate to have the resources I have.

Still, it isn't easy to get in workouts on those days when maybe your toddler didn't sleep well or your husband is out of town..or you're just flat out tired and feeling lazy.

Us moms have to do a lot to keep our families happy and healthy, so if you miss out on a workout don't beat yourself up just keep trying.

You'll get your 30 mile run in Anna, I know you will!

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May 04, 2010
I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham
by: Anna

Thanks, Dr. Seuss!

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